Meet Our Top Dog at Texas Ruff House

Introducing Conan of Texas Ruff House Hello furiends! Conan here, resident Top Dog at Texas Ruff House, reporting for duty. Our team of pet care professionals have been holding the spotlight on the blog for quite some time, and now it’s my turn to show you how we run things at Texas Ruff House! But first, please allow me to introduce myself properly. I’m a handsome terrier mix, otherwise known as a mutt, as my origins are quite the mystery. The human behind the operations at Texas Ruff House, Carla Tittle, adopted me when I was under a year old. I was a street dog up until that time, but I like to think that I’ve always been a good boy. My family would describe as quiet and calm and always up for whatever they are doing – I’m a real pack dog! A while after I arrived at my forever home, my humans noticed that I was having some issues around men because I would be fearful around them. I would communicate this by barking and not allowing men to touch me....